La rentrée des classes



Cowboy and Indian are about to go on a magnificent cruise on a luxury ocean liner.  Alas, it's all a muddle... They forgot that school starts today! So goodbye exotic islands.  Our friends, desperate, find themselves sitting at their desks at school faced with the monotony of their lessons.To give new impetus to the start of the school year and welcome the new geography teacher, Mrs Longrée, the headmistress proposes a major contest, namely to determine the precise distance between the earth and the moon in centimetres. The winners of the competition will accompany Mr Youri on a fabulous trip to the moon.Cowboy and Indian are obviously prepared to do everything to win the contest. But they are not the only ones who want to find the right answer. Their classmates, the animals on the farm, are working hard to find the solution.The night wears on. Cowboy and Indian have still not found the solution. On the farm, most of the animals are asleep. Suddenly, a cry of victory. Piggy has found the right answer.Jealous as they are, Cowboy and Indian are going to steal an invention by the chemistry teacher that can shrink objects and people.  They will use this liquid to get into Piggy's brain and steal the valuable answer.The next day, at an assembly of the entire school and before the headmistress, poor Piggy can't remember anything anymore. Cowboy and Indian triumph and step proudly forward with the right answer.But the two cheaters will be discovered and expelled from school.The rocket takes off for the moon with Piggy. But where have Cowboy and Indian gone?


  • Animation


  • Family


  • Vincent Patar & Stéphane Aubier


  • 1.100.000€


  • 2016

Scope involvement

  • Finance
  • Line production

Scope involvement


  • Tax Shelter funds raised: 411.500€

Line production


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